This is an exerpt from my son's report card:
And again...
So it is clear my son has a hard time retaining concepts. These questions come to my mind after reading his report card:
Should the act of reflecting be done right at the end of a unit of inquiry, only to discover that a student has not really grasped a concept?
What strategies can I put in place in order to ensure that the concepts are taught in such a manner that students have a thorough understanding of it?
Should this comment be made during the formative stages in order to ensure that by the end of the unit the child has got it?
Isn't it out job as educators to ensure that the standards are met?
As a teacher and a parent, I stand on the fence. It is hard to criticize without looking at my own teaching practice.
My goal for next year would be thus: to write a report comment where I feel I truly did everything in my power, including collaborate with peers, reach out to my PLN, apply research-based strategies that promote concept attainment, in order to ensure my students have understood the concepts.
To all the teachers who are reading this post, I am currently enjoying reading this book. It has a mine of information about different strategies. I keep it in a prominent place on my study table.
"The Strategic Teacher. Selecting the Right research-Based Strategy for Every Lesson". Author Silver, Strong, Perini.