My students come in from their P.E. lesson and they are NOT in a mood to learn! Sweating and over excited, they beg me not to make them sit on their chairs and open their books. You know what? If I were in their place, I would have felt the same. Why force them to learn when their brains are not ready? Instead I thought I would teach them a new skill. How to calm down, relax and think of themselves as souls without bodies.. Most grown ups try and learn this skill. I have heard of people travelling thousands of miles just to learn the art of meditatation! I know how to. I do it every day at home and those ...erm 15 minutes of bliss are priceless! So this is how it looks like in my classroom. The kids come in and lie down,arms and legs spreadeagled, giggling, until I start spraying them with scented water. They close their eyes and I chant Om (I also use words from other cultures)while breathing deeply. The amazing thing is, the kids often look forward to thi...
This blog is a tribute to my parents who are life long-learners and my students whose identity and world views I am responsible for nurturing in the span of 365 days.