Concepts-In Use In this post, one more strategy takes center stage when it comes to designing lessons that aid conceptual understanding in our students: Concept-In-Use. This strategy should be used once several concepts have been covered in class. A great way to know whether your students are internalizing the concepts is to ask them to explain the connections between two concepts. For example: In Math Ask them to convert a fraction to a percentage. Or a percentage to a decimal. Can they clearly explain the connection? Can they use drawings to support their explanation? Can they articulate the difference between a prism and a pyramid. How are they same? How are they different? How can you represent data visually? Bar graphs, pictographs, line charts are all concepts. As a designer of conceptual lessons, a teacher needs to be keenly aware of the connections between concepts. For instance, is the Grade 3 teacher awar...
This blog is a tribute to my parents who are life long-learners and my students whose identity and world views I am responsible for nurturing in the span of 365 days.