"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing. I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." -Socrates The students in grade 6 are developing their understanding of the world around them by reading news articles from the website newsela . What I like about this website is that it allows you to make the article accessible to students of different reading levels. It was not the perfect lesson. Students were not following the rules of our socratic seminar. In the beginning, the first group of inner circle students felt nervous and kept repeating key points, without giving evidence from the text. A bit of background about the content? They read the following article: (chosen by a few students) Candidate dismisses criticism of his plan to keep Muslims out of U.S. link Activity: Socratic Seminar. What I liked ab...
This blog is a tribute to my parents who are life long-learners and my students whose identity and world views I am responsible for nurturing in the span of 365 days.