It takes a while to get a hang of things when you are doing a Master's course. APA style formatting....brrr the very words send a shiver down my spine. But really. It is not that hard. when you get your knuckles rapped a zillion times by a professor who insists on being called doctor. ( I've even stopped writing " it's" for fear of a disapproving frown from someone. For the past 7 weeks, I had been submitting my assignments to a a very particular professor who evaluated and analyzed each word I wrote. I kept getting my marks shorn off form every corner possible and was at my wits end... ...until the 6th and 7th week, when I finally made it! Her comments: Exemplary planning of instruction based on knowledge of classrooms school and community culture Exemplary instruction on appropriate stages of development, learning styles and needs Extremely clear and well organized and logical flow. · ...
This blog is a tribute to my parents who are life long-learners and my students whose identity and world views I am responsible for nurturing in the span of 365 days.