In a PYP classroom, you will most likely find the old system of seating arrangement (rows) gone. Little pods of desks and chairs are grouped in ways that promote conversation. Students are expected to work in groups to solve problems, ask for help, give help, etc. And yet have you ever wondered about students who don't like to talk that much or mix with others. There could be that one child who sulks in the corner, refusing to collaborate with his peers, much to the chagrin of the teacher. "Your child must learn to contribute during group activities..." could be one of our thoughtless comments on a report card. I am sure it's hard for many adults to think in the midst of noise! Maybe looking at the social skills (collaboration) in isolation is wrong. How about keeping in mind thinking skills in tandem with collaboration. First think things through...then collaborate. I am an introvert. I enjoy retreating into my little corner and contemplating ...
This blog is a tribute to my parents who are life long-learners and my students whose identity and world views I am responsible for nurturing in the span of 365 days.