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Showing posts from September, 2010

Living Values in class

In our school, we try and incorporate the Learner Profiles so that our students develop into well rounded global citizens of the future. Yet things don't always go the way we want it to. Kids still bully, steal, swear, and snatch! I read "The Lord of the Flies" years ago and the image of children being malicious has always disturbed me. Why do some kids behave in this way? I know the home atmosphere (which we teachers can't control) has a lot to do with this and can be a major impediment if we want to teach them some manners! So our school has decided to implement "The Living Values" (based on Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Happy Kids) as an integral part of our curriculum.I keep my fingers crossed! Using Spicynodes, I created a summary of what this is all about.

Marshmallows and Math

I had a great lesson in my math class. The students created 3D shapes using marshmallows. I found that by letting them create these shapes helped them better visualize 3D objects. They shared their work with the class, named the shapes and then, the fun bit, ate them! :) We posted these pictures in the class, and each child had to write a small reflection on what they learned and how they felt during the activity. Most of them said they were focused and enjoyed the lesson immensely. Math Marshmellow - making a free slideshow